Bendigo Regional
Occupational Therapy




Wheelchair prescription
Working with specialist suppliers to ensure the best product for each client’s mobility, comfort and postural support.

Community Access is enhanced using the special features of light weight wheelchairs. This enables clients and families to manage transfers from vehicles.

Scooter assessment and safety
Local medical suppliers provide an excellent range of products. Ensuring the client has the necessary physical, cognitive and vision skills to safely manage a scooter is vital.

Home modifications
Working with the architect from Archicentre to design ramp access. Removal of environmental barriers enhances one’s ability to remain at home independently. Universal design benefits everyone.

Nursing Home seating options
The Broda chair is one option which may be prescribed for a resident with severe physical disabilities. Correct seating enables the person to participate in everyday activities and outings.

Lift Recliners may provide independence for clients who find transfers difficult. They enable palliative care clients to remain at home and may assist with pain management. Correct prescription is important.

Meeting the special needs of those who live with obesity
Prescription  of a range of bariatric equipment  for these clients is done in partnership with the medical suppliers. The Australian Standards specify weight limits for all equipment to ensure suitable and safe outcomes.    


Pressure care products such as this Roho cushion maintain skin integrity. Prevention and management of pressure ulcers is vital for quality of life. Local medical suppliers provide excellent services with trials and product information.

Care of feet
Selection of suitable products to manage pressure ulcers. Minimising pressure on a wound when seated or lying in bed is essential to recovery. The therapist works with the team of client, nurses, carers and medical suppliers


Staying at home with confidence
Veterans’Affairs and other agencies provide a wide range of Occupational Therapy services to promote confident living at home. Comprehensive home safety assessments and interventions are part of the service for every client.

Universal design

Bathroom renovations are modern, functional and safe. A stepless shower at home is the end result of therapist, architect, builder and client teamwork. Minimising risk of falls or injury is one outcome. Reduction of Occupational Health and Safety concerns is a component of the planning process.


Hospital in the Home
Working with the family who choose to care for a relative at home is rewarding. The adjustable hospital bed, commode, bathroom and personal care equipment ensure the family can manage the task of home care with safety, confidence and dignity.


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